The trade company Vodňanská drůbež, a.s. is the largest processor of poultry meat in the Czech Republic. Its three plants process meat poultry and produce poultry. The company is the only Czech processor of duck meat in this country

Significant milestones
The company Vodňanská drůbež, a.s. has three processing plants situated in Vodňany, Modřice and Mirovice, and a distribution centre at Skořenice. The total capacity of all slaughters amounts to 240 000 chickens a day and approximately 30 000 ducks, which constitutes the annual volume of 90 000 tons processed chicken meat and 8 000 tons of duck meat.
All plants meet strict veterinarian and hygienic standards of the Czech Republic and the European Union as well as all criteria for export to third countries. The poultry processed here undergoes strict veterinary checks and comes only from closed Czech farms. The poultry is fed with compound feeds produced from raw materials purchased, treated and stored in accordance with valid ISO standards.
The trade company was registered in the register of companies on 15 April 1998. In the year 2003 it altered its name to Agropol Food, s.r.o. Its 100 per cent owner is the company Agropol Group, a.s.
The actual marks of the Chicken of Vodňany and the Duck of Vodňany dates from the year 2004
In 2009, the parent company underwent a change in terms of its owner, and, subsequently, other organisational changes. As of 29 May 2009, the company purchased a part of the “Vodňany Plant” from the company Jihočeská drůbež, a.s., followed by the purchase of the “Skořenice Plant” on 30 September 2010. This transformed the solely trade company into a company comprising trade and production

On 31 December 2009, a change of the company name and seat was conducted. The name of the company became Vodňanská drůbež, s.r.o. residing at Radomilická 886, Vodňany II, 389 01 Vodňany.
As of 1 January 2010, the merger of the company Vodňanská drůbež, s.r.o. with the companies PROMT Modřice, a.s., Jihočeská drůbež Mirovice, a.s. and Intergal Vrchovina, a.s. was registered.
As of 30 April 2010, the company bought the Tábor plant from the company Jihočeská drůbež, a.s. Subsequently, the Vodňanská drůbež, s.r.o. became one company providing both its own production and trade. The production companies have brought along with them their long tradition of poultry products dating from the 1960s.
As of 1 January 2011, the company was transformed in terms of its legal form into a joint-stock company.
As of 30 November 2011, the production premises in Tábor were closed and transferred to the plant in Vodňany. Further, meat production was transferred to newly-built premises in Modřice